Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Please read the website's terms of use before using it.

Welcome to the website of G-INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE ("the company"), a real estate marketing and entrepreneurship company (together with its contents and services, "site").

The site is used, among other things, as an advertising and marketing platform for presenting projects in the field of real estate, as well as for presenting the company, related companies and business partners related to our ventures ("Site contents").

1.   Agreement to the terms of use and privacy policy on the site

Any use of the website and its contents, as well as establishing contact with company representatives by leaving details or through chat correspondence with a representative, is subject to these terms of use ("use" or "Terms of Userespectively). The terms of use regulate the relationship between the company and each visitor to the website ("the surfer" or "are you").

Please read these terms of use carefully, since your very use and activity on the site constitutes your consent and approval to the terms of use, as well as to the site's privacy policy (together "Terms on the website"). If you do not agree to the terms on the site in full, you may not make any use of the site.

The company may update the terms on the site from time to time and the updated terms of use at any point in time will be the binding ones, therefore it is recommended to return and review them accordingly.

The terms of use are worded in the masculine language for convenience reasons only and they treat women and men equally.

2.   Obligations of the surfer

The company wants to ensure that the website will be managed properly and that the various contents uploaded there will serve the surfers in the best and safest way, therefore, by using this website, you undertake not to perform the following actions:

  • impersonating a person or entity.
  • Use of the site's contents, including the models, simulations and programs presented therein, for commercial purposes, for the distribution of the site's contents, for any use that is illegal or immoral, or for malicious purposes and/or contrary to the terms of use or the privacy policy.
  • Changing, processing, copying, extracting information, disassembling or reassembling any of the site's components.
  • Distributing "spam" or flooding the site's servers in any way.
  • The uploading or transmission of any material containing any type of virus or computer code, intended to destroy, interfere with, or limit the use of any of the computers, servers, hardware and software used on the site.
  • Activating a computer application or any other means, for the purpose of searching, scanning, copying or automatically retrieving content from the website. In this rule, you may not create and do not use the aforementioned means to create a compilation, collection or database that will contain content from the website or that are based on models, simulations, plans or any other content originating from the website.
  • Violation in any way of copyrights, trademarks, or any other proprietary right found on the website, including any commercial use of the website without holding an appropriate subscription and obtaining the company's prior written consent.
  • Placing the website or any part of it in a frame (frame) of another website, or as a part (mirror) of another website, without obtaining the company's prior written permission.
  • Distributing a link to the site from a site that contains pornographic content, content that encourages racism or illegal discrimination, or that is against the law.

The company may terminate your use of the website at its discretion, including if you do not comply with the terms of use or make prohibited use of the website, and this without detracting from any other remedy available to it.

The company will not be held responsible for any damage caused as a result of linking to the website and any display or publication of content from the website in any other way. Without deviating from the above prohibitions and any other provision in the terms of use, the surfer bears full and exclusive responsibility for any link distribution, display or publication of the site and/or parts of it, and undertakes to indemnify the company for any damage caused as a result.


3.   Lack of warranty for presentations

The company provides the site, the information and the contents within the site as they are (AS IS), and does not make any guarantee regarding warranty, express or implied, legal or otherwise, in any engagement with the company, its representatives, or in everything related to the site. For the avoidance of doubt, all information on the website, including the models, simulations and plans ("The information on the website") is presented for illustrative purposes only and its presentation does not constitute an obligation or promise on the part of the company. Only what is detailed in the official company agreements and sales contracts will be considered binding presentations on the part of the company, in accordance with their provisions.

The company is not responsible for inaccuracies, or mistakes made in relation to the information on the website and in any case does not guarantee that the models, simulations, plans, etc. presented on the website (both in relation to the appearance or design of the apartments and/or the buildings and in relation to the environment and external development) will be similar or reflect the The visibility or quality of the projects in reality The information contained on the site is informative and descriptive only. Accordingly, the surfer is aware and agrees that any reliance on such information is done at his sole responsibility and in accordance with his discretion and undertakes that he will not have any claim, claim or demand against the company for the above and/or The use of the site.

It is hereby clarified that the company will not bear any responsibility and will not be responsible for any damage, inconvenience, loss, grief, etc., for those indirect and/or direct results that will be caused to the users of the website and/or to their property and/or to any third party as a result of relying on and/or using the information on the website .

The company takes acceptable measures so that the use of the website is safe and proper, but no website is completely secure and therefore, the company does not guarantee that the use of the website will be secure, not subject to interruptions, will be provided as usual without interruptions and interruptions and/or will be immune from illegal access to the company's computers, available at all times or error free. In particular, the company does not and cannot guarantee that the use of the website will suit your requirements or needs.

4.   Lack of counseling

What is stated on the website is not provided as a substitute for receiving legal advice and/or private tax advice from a lawyer and/or tax consultant (respectively), is not suitable for the specific circumstances of each and every case and constitutes general information only, which does not constitute legal advice. Any action taken according to the information on the website is solely the responsibility of the person doing the action. In any case, the use of the aforementioned on this website is no longer an attorney-client relationship in any way.

It will be emphasized that you should not rely on information obtained on the website for the purpose of making decisions on legal, business, professional, financial, calculated, personal or bio-financial issues, as they are personal for your private use and/or for commercial use.

5.   Limitation of Liability

In no case will the company be liable to you and/or anyone on your behalf for any consequential, collateral, or indirect damage resulting from the use of the website, even if the company or its messengers or representatives knew or were informed of the possibility of such a damage event, to you or to anyone other than you.

Also, the company will not be responsible for any illegal activity carried out on the website, by any of the users on the website or by any other party over which the company has no control. 

6.   buyer spiritual

All the information on the website is the sole property of the company or of a third party, which has allowed the company to use it, and the information and content provided by it should not be considered as granting any license or any rights in the intellectual property of the company or of third parties. Do not copy or publish the information on the website, and/or use it or use it contrary to the conditions on the website, including commercial use, without the explicit prior written consent of the company. The copyrights in everything related to the website, including the design of the website, its contents, its trademarks, as well as any other action on the website that is unique and exclusive to the company, are reserved to the company.

Also, you may not make changes to the website, copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, modify, process, create derivative works, publish, sell, rent or give to a third party, either through you or through a third party, any Part of the site by any means or means, whether electronic, mechanical, optical, photographic or recording means, or by any other means and means without obtaining the prior written consent of the company or the other rights holders.

7.   Privacy policy - protection of User privacy

The company respects the privacy of surfers. The information you submit as part of using the website is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the company's privacy policy, as stated in the website's terms and conditions.

The use of the website does not involve providing details and personal information. However, various areas of the site, such as requesting additional information from the Company and contacting the Company online, may involve registration, providing details and personal information. "Personal Information" In this document - means any information that can reasonably be used to identify you, including full name, phone, email address, etc.

When using the site's services, information about you is collected. Some of the information identifies you personally (ie, name, email address and phone number) and the products and services you are interested in, etc. This is the information you knowingly provide, for example when you register to receive information on the website.


Some of the information does not identify you personally and is not stored together with your details. This is statistical and cumulative information. For example, advertisements you read on the site, the operating system version you have, the type of browser, the pages you viewed, the offers and services that interested you, the Internet (IP) address from which you accessed and the location based on this address, and more. Also, the company may collect and use the services of third parties to analyze anonymous, statistical or aggregate information in connection with the use of the company's website, including information concerning your activity on the website as mentioned above.

To the extent that personal details are required when registering for services on the website, the company will only ask you for the information directly necessary to provide the services.

The collected data will be stored in the company's database and under its responsibility. The use of the collected information will be done only according to this privacy policy or according to the provisions of any law. The information that will be used by the company will mainly be statistical information, which is not personally identifiable.

The company will not transfer your personal details and the information collected about your activity on the website to third parties except
In the cases listed below:

· In the event of a legal dispute between you and the company that would require the disclosure of your details;

· If you perform on the site, actions that are contrary to the law;

· If a judicial order is obtained instructing you to hand over your details or the information about you to a third party;

· If the company sells or transfers in any form the activity of the site to any corporation - as well as in the event that it merges with another entity or merges the activity of the site with the activity of a third party, provided that this corporation accepts the provisions of this privacy policy towards you.

· For the purpose of providing and sharing anonymous, aggregate and statistical information with other companies or organizations associated with the company as well as business partners, advertisers and any third party, in accordance with the sole discretion of the company. The company will not knowingly reveal your identity to them without your consent;

The site uses software that accumulates information, cookies and the like - for example (pixel, hereafter collectively "Cookies and/or "Cookies)" for the purpose of regular and proper operation, to secure the data therein and the information provided, including to collect statistical data about the use of the services for statistical, research, and marketing purposes and commerce, and of course for information security needs.

Modern browsers include an option to avoid receiving cookies. If you don't know how to do this, check the help file of the browser you are using.

The company attaches utmost importance to the security of the information in its systems. The company implements up-to-date information security systems and procedures on its websites. While these systems and procedures reduce the risks of unauthorized intrusion, they do not provide absolute security. Therefore, the company does not guarantee that its services will be completely immune from unauthorized access to the information stored in them. By using the company's website, you agree to the information security limitations as stated above.

According to the Privacy Protection Law, 1981-1981, every person has the right to review the information about him that is held in a database. A person who has reviewed the information about him and finds that it is not correct, complete, clear or updated, may contact the owner of the database with a request to correct the information or delete it. Such an application should be directed to galh@g-international.co.il . In addition, if the information in the company's databases is used for the purpose of contacting you personally, you are entitled according to the Privacy Protection Law, 1981, to demand in writing that the information relating to you be deleted from the database.

8.    general

The company may close the website and change from time to time its structure, appearance, availability of the content provided therein, as well as change the information on the website and any other characteristic, and this without the need to notify you in advance. The use of the website and its conditions will be exclusively governed by the laws of the State of Israel. The company may assign its rights on or regarding the site to any third party as it deems appropriate and in accordance with its discretion.

The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any matter related to this agreement and the use of the website is in the competent courts in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa region.

Last updated: July, 2023.